International Conference on Digital Preservation
12th to 16th September 2022
Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow, Scotland
iPres 2022 in Glasgow
Digital preservation is a shared challenge, and it’s the challenge the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) has faced since our foundation 20 years ago. In September 2022, it was our privilege and our very great pleasure for you to join us as we celebrated twenty years together, in our home city of Glasgow, at the International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPres 2022. Over the course of five days, delegates participated in person at the impressive Technology & Innovation Centre in Glasgow, Scotland, or joined the online conference program.
All peer reviewed submissions presented at iPres 2022 are bundled in the proceedings, ensuring visibility and promotion of both academic research work and the projects and initiatives of institutions involved in digital preservation practices. The majority of the presentations at iPres 2022 have been recorded. After an exclusive preview period for conference delegates, the recordings are now available on general release. The photos taken at iPres 2022 can be found on flickr. We look forward to seeing you at iPres 2023 in Urbana, Illinois in September 2023!
Welcome to Glasgow